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Science without Borders® Challenge

Gavin O'Donoghue

2023 International Student Art Contest

The annual Science Without Borders® Challenge is an international art contest that engages participants through art in ocean conservation.

The contest is hosted by The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, whose mission is the protection and restoration of ocean health by providing science-based solutions.

The competition encourages students to promote public awareness of the need to preserve and protect and restore the world's oceans in a creative way. The Science without Borders Challenge is open to both primary and secondary school students between 11-19 years old. Scholarships of up to $500 will be awarded to the winning artists.

2 The Sixth Extinction" is the theme

"The Sixth Extinction" is the theme for the 2023 Challenge.

The aim is to create awareness about endangered marine species.

Students are asked to create artwork highlighting the beauty and importance of marine species that are on the brink of extinction.


Scholarships will be awarded to the winners.

  • 1st Place: $500

  • 2nd Place: $350

  • 3rd Place: $200

Winners of the "People's Choice" award will receive a $50 scholarship for each age group.


The international student art competition is open to all students internationally, 11-19 years old. Students must be enrolled in primary (elementary)or secondary school (high school) or the home school equivalent. College/university students are ineligible for this competition.

Work will be judged in two categories based on age, with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes awarded for each:

  • Students 11-14 years old

  • Students 15-19 years old

Submission Date

The application for the 2023 Science Without Borders® Challenge is now open and closes Monday, March 6th, 2023.

How to Apply

To apply to the 2023 art competition, fill out the online entry form, upload a picture of your artwork, and make sure everything is submitted before March 6th. If you are under the age of 13, guardians must provide consent, so please don't wait until the last minute. Before applying, please use the Science without Borders website for tips on application and the application link.

Tips for Success: suggestions on how to make the most of your application, including how to describe how your work relates to the theme and how to write a compelling artist's statement.


Artwork will be judged by a panel of artists, art teachers, and scientists. The work will be evaluated on quality, originality, and adherence to the theme.

Questions to consider:

  • Does your artwork show that you understand the theme of the competition?

  • Does your written artist's statement also show that you understand the theme of the competition?

  • Does your artwork show a good understanding of art and use elements, such as line, shape, form, value, composition, and color, to effectively portray the theme?

  • Is your artwork original, inventive, and shows off your individual style?

  • Is your artwork neat? Are there tears, smudges, and/or smear marks?

  • Does your artwork invoke emotion in your viewers? Is it striking and memorable?

For tips on creating winning artwork, see Tips for Success.

Contest Rules

Check the rules here before beginning your artwork

Original 2-dimensional pieces of artwork created by hand, such as a drawing or painting, are accepted.

2022 finalists :

"Ridge to Reef Catastrophe" by Ashley Ko, Age 16, Nevada, U.S.

"Sanctuary" by Charissa Laurelia Nadine, Age 15, Indonesia

"The Redemption of Coral Reefs" by Yuetong Yan, Age 13, China

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